2000s Bands

Stinky Del Negro and the Fat Pakistanis – 2001

I had just purchased my V-Drums and was itching to implement them. Came across Stinky himself online and became their live drummer for a spell. Josh Robins from Invincible Czars fame was on the four-string then.

Eightysomething – 2001

As I was a teen in the 80s, the music from then is what makes me tick (not most of the 2nd half, however). I put together a variety band that solely did songs from the early part, cherry picking the ones we liked. I figured out a way for us to project many of the MTV videos from then sync’d up to our show (see videos page). As I couldn’t get arrested with the landed club-owning gentry (Cedar St., etc) in town I threw in the towel after a year. All of a sudden the Spazmatics appear and prosper. Bitter much?

1st gig, 2001

Nocturne – 2001

Just a one-off I did in San Antonio, but I dug their stuff enough to mention them. A Dallas outfit, featuring Lacey Conner (better known for antics on Rock of Love) and Chris Telkes.

OHN – 2003

My old friend Bill Sarver (see Necrofix) threw together an instrumental funk/jazz/electronic ensemble called OHN and recorded an album worth of material. I was brought in to drum the live shows once again. While there were many folks churned through this project over three albums, the initial core team was Bill, Andrew Tachovsky, Chris Forshage, and Ryan Blum-Krysztal.

The Grooves – 2003-2011

At some point the greenbacks trump all. I had zero intention of doing the cover band thing as long as I did, but having a kid come along at the same time as a new house made for extenuating circumstances. A well-heeled outfit, we played just about every type of function you could dream up all over Texas.

Lance Herbstrong 2012

A story of two guys and their laptops (plus Peter). I just drummed with them twice in Colorado around NYE and t’was weird!