90s Bands

House in Orbit (1989-?)

Basically The Agents (see 80s bands) with long, unkempt hair. This was a rootless white-boy reggae-ska outfit that was the house band for the now defunct seedy-club legend, Mercado Caribe. Dreads and leather jackets replaced trenchcoats as female conversation starters.

HIO atop the original Texadelphia, circa 1990

Retarted Elf (1990-1994)

One of the most and least fun times in my life was being Shugga Do in Retarted Elf. There were thirteen people in the band when I joined in late 1990. My first gig with them was at Fitzgeralds in Houston and there was a line down the block to see us. I’ve yet to be in a project where every gig was looked forward to, the road trips in our raised roof handicap van were legendary outings of the most childish sort. Best “Rap” three years in a row at the AMA’s until a Beastie wannabe outfit admittedly stuffed the ballot in 1994.


Auschwitz 46, Later Became Terminal 46 (1994-96)

Was taking a hiatus from hitting things when a good friend at the time, local punk drummer legend (and sound guy) Ben Burton dragged me to meet the frowny-faced Auschwitz 46. Hea-vee, electronic mayhem. Me liked and became their live drummer. I never really fit in too well as I was a bit too chipper for the stoic goth stylings going on. I even wore a sport coat and Hawaiian shirt to the AMA’s when we won Best Metal/Industrial in 1995 (pictured below).

SXSW 1995

Necrofix (1995-1996)

UT grads Bill “Bildo” Sarver and Richard “Get the Girl” Jones comprised this electronic duo. While local success was non-existent, they fared well in Europe, having a relationship with Metropolis Records. As word got out I played well with backing tracks, I ended up adding them to my list of scowly bands. I had to learn their stuff really quick, so I actually had a music stand by my kit with my Cliff’s Notes of their wacky outlines.

Burn (1995-1996)

Jason Jansen of Auschwitz 46 joined up with Clay, Possum, and Brandon – former members of Skrew to create a new dealy called Burn. Angry, angry young men… I was brought along for the live stuff again. I don’t believe there was a single Burn show that didn’t have a violent altercation attached to it. Even the debut at the Back Room had mid song fisticuffs. I recall meeting Richard Garriott out front before the show. We hung goat and pig heads all over the stage (we, the band, not Richard). I remember forgetting my stick bag after one show. Returning a few days later to retrieve it, I spotted a remaining goat head under the drum riser.

League of Nuns (1995-1996)

Robb Froman, of The Agents, House in Orbit, and Milktrout cobbled together a pop-punky dealy out of spare parts, adding bassist Ted Delmonico, John McLane and Yours Truly. Greg Hetson of Circle Jerks and Bad Religion fame produced our first recording and got us some gigs on the west coast.

3rd iteration, 1996

SOAK (1998-1999)

Getting a record deal as fast as SOAK did is a good story (to be told by them), but after deciding Interscope wasn’t making them a priority they pulled the plug and got Sire to sign them on. I took a hiatus from my blossoming IT career and spent the next year with them running all over the place as a keyboard/sampler dude. One of my favorite months ever was out at Village Productions in Tornillo, TX, staying on a pecan plantation hacienda, recording the album 2179. Our days were spent recording music, playing hackeysack and maintaining a nice buzz.